Are Lingual Braces Right for My Child/Teen?

Everyone’s heard of traditional metal braces, but not everyone knows what lingual braces are. Lingual braces are placed on the backside (or tongue side) of the teeth where they are virtually invisible to others. For children or teens who are self-conscious about their ortho treatment being visible, lingual braces are a good option. Are Lingual Braces for Everyone? No, lingual braces aren’t for everyone. Although they treat nearly all the same dental issues that traditional metal braces do, not everyone is a good candidate. For example, someone with a deep overbite might experience constant bracket pop-offs with lingual braces. To find out if your child is a good candidate for this orthodontic treatment, you’ll need to discuss the options with your orthodontist. The Pros and Cons of Lingual Braces As with any orthodontic treatment, there are pros and cons to lingual braces as well. Pros Because they are placed on the back of the teeth, lingual braces are virtually invisible to oth...