Braces or Invisalign – Which is Better?


Since the invention of aligner trays, the question on everyone’s mind is, “Which is better – braces or Invisalign?” Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer that will satisfy everyone. The reality is that many factors come into play when it comes to straightening the teeth or aligning the jaw, so each case has to be addressed on an individual basis. With that said, here are a few things to consider if your orthodontist has recommended braces for your treatment.

The Cost of Braces vs. The Cost of Invisalign

Cost is a big factor when it comes to orthodontic care. We all know it isn’t cheap, so it’s understandable you would want to choose the cheapest method that will yield the best results.

It’s important to understand that if you choose Invisalign as your course of treatment, you’ll likely pay a little more for it than you would for traditional metal braces. After all, you’re paying for a brand name as well as better aesthetics during your treatment. Having said that, it’s hard to compare the cost of braces vs. the cost of Invisalign because, again, everyone’s situation is unique, and you have several options in terms of braces that will alter the cost of treatment.

A word of advice: cost should never be the deciding factor in choosing a course of orthodontic treatment.

Braces and Invisalign Treatment Times

Many orthodontists and aligner manufacturers like to claim that aligner therapy is faster than braces, but the reality is that how quickly your teeth move depends on your biology. Whether it’s a plastic aligner pushing on a tooth or metal braces, the tooth will move when and at the pace it wants to, regardless of the driving force behind it.

Of course, if you take into account that Invisalign therapy is recommended for minor tooth straightening while braces are the recommended course of action for more severe straightening and aligning issues, then it stands to reason that the Invisalign treatment might take less time because the conditions it treats are less severe.

At the end of the day, both braces and Invisalign are great options for orthodontic treatment. Talk with your orthodontist about your options and decide together which is best for your particular needs.

To know more about Cost of braces and Cost of Invisalign please visit our


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